tiistai 25. kesäkuuta 2019

Olen työkyvytön

I can't work with anything else than visual beauty. 


I'm going to be able to work out a social reputation around here. What would it looke like when on .33 lsd

It could be a pulse toward a future event.


And that's as fast you're going to have to make a good first impression. (I would still light a fire).

Mut silti musta tuntuu, että mä pärjään itsenäisesti. Halusko ne vain eroon minusta vai välittääks ne???

Ei se ollutkaan niin helppoa, kuin mä äsken kuvittelin.

Maybe you will realize that someday. I can easily do things in an ordinay way. Think about it. Non-ordinary way of doing things vs easy and ordinary. 

Etsä muka oo nähnyt hermostuneita heikkejä?

It leaves such a good memory storage. 

If you follow your intuition and then you hesitate. What kind of behavior is that? 

There are no traditional values to explain my condition - so I have to explain my values to you. But since I'm schizophrenic I can't talk about this state. It is a mystery to me.

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